
5 ways to troubleshoot the input electronic invoice management problem

Invoice processing and data entry into the system take up most of the accountant's working time. Along with that, the General Department of Taxation's regulations on converting paper invoices to electronic invoices “Circular 78, from July 1, 2022, paper invoices will no longer be valid, and electronic invoices will be applied instead.”  Thus, with the trend of digitizing paper invoices, most of the accountant's invoice processing work will be related to electronic invoices. In the following article, Bizzi will summarize 5 ways accountants often use to "debug" the problem of managing input electronic invoices. 

1. Accountant creates a separate email to receive and manage incoming electronic invoices

Normally, to avoid confusing the email content of the electronic invoice from the supplier with other work contents, the accountant will create a new email to be used to receive and store separately for the input electronic invoices from the suppliers. supplier. However, this approach will make it difficult for businesses to change accounting personnel as well as difficult for accountants to input invoices into the software. 

2. Accountants receive input electronic invoices from suppliers and print them out on paper for manual storage 


This approach brings a lot of risks for businesses: 

3. Receive input e-invoice, save the file as an image on a folder on your computer

Với cách làm truyền thống và thủ công, kế toán sau khi nhận được email hóa đơn từ nhà cung cấp sẽ kiểm tra các thông tin như đơn giá, ngày lập hóa đơn, ngày ký hóa đơn,… sau đó tải về và lưu trữ trực tiếp trên máy tính theo từng folder.

Cách làm này sẽ phù hợp với các doanh nghiệp có quy mô nhỏ ít phát sinh hóa đơn hàng hóa, sản phẩm. Tuy nhiên cách quản lý này sẽ gặp phải một số bất cập như: không thao tác được với nhiều hóa đơn cùng một lúc, lưu trữ trên máy tính nguy cơ mất dữ liệu khi máy tính hư hỏng, không có bộ lọc để lọc hóa đơn theo nhu cầu như lọc theo nhà cung cấp, lọc theo ngày,…

4. Accountants receive e-invoices from suppliers and then make a spreadsheet on excel or Google sheet 

A common way to manage input electronic invoices that accountants often use is to manage invoices in excel or Google sheet. After receiving the input invoice from the email address supplier, the accountant manually enters the invoice information on the worksheet to check, attach the lookup code link to the mailbox. Accountants check and compare invoices and then manually enter data into accounting software. 

5. Use invoice management software to automate the accounting process by robots

After the covid pandemic, digital transformation trends such as AI applications and production operations, process automation by accounting have proven to be capable of helping businesses save time and optimize costs. 

Therefore, the application of 4.0 technology, using the first electronic invoice management software and to automate the financial accounting process, replaces traditional and manual methods, contributing to streamlining the working process, solving problems and solving problems. solve human resource problems for businesses and speed up operations before, during and after the pandemic. 

6 Bizzi – phần mềm quản lý hóa đơn điện tử đầu vào trợ lý đắc lực cho doanh nghiệp

With the application of technology RPA (Robotic Process Automation) automates the invoice processing process by robots, helping accountants eliminate all manual methods such as checking, comparing by machine, entering data by hand. Thereby shortening the maximum time for processing electricity bills slowly 10 minutes left 10 seconds/ each bill. Automatic 3-way invoice reconciliation and automatically input data into the enterprise's ERP accounting software. 

Bizzi is proud to be a comprehensive and comprehensive invoice management solution, a pioneer in managing input electronic invoices to solve accounting and financial problems for businesses. 

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