Financial management is an important part of running a business, but it's not always easy. Many business owners often face money loss without their knowledge. This can cause many serious problems for businesses, including loss of financial control and even threaten the company's existence because many "small losses" will create dangerous financial holes. dangerous.
Together Bizzi tìm hiểu một số nguyên nhân tại sao chủ doanh nghiệp “rơi tiền” mà không hay biết là gì?
Why do business owners lose money?
Loss in business operating budget is always a headache for business owners. Some main reasons:
Lack of financial control
Some business owners cannot control their finances effectively due to the lack of a professional CFO/financial manager. The incomplete financial apparatus leads to loss of direction and inability to control cash flow. Other limitations make it difficult for business owners to control debt and periodically check books, so the situation of cash deficit and waste continues to "smolder".

Business owners are too busy
Besides the lack of effective assistants, business owners are too busy with many tasks to handle. Therefore, they do not have much time to monitor and manage each small task. Work pressure and lack of time can cause business owners to make decisions without enough time to consider them thoroughly. This can lead to investing in ineffective projects or poor financing choices.
The business's revenue and expenditure system is messy
The business's revenue and expenditure management system is ineffective with hundreds of overlapping items, creating confusion and financial gaps everywhere. This makes it more difficult to determine the source and purpose of each revenue and expenditure. In addition, ineffective business control systems can create favorable conditions for errors and fraud. Transactions can get mixed up, and employees or others can take advantage to make improper transactions.
Lack of financial overview
Lack of ability to recognize and react quickly to unusual financial fluctuations and continuing to spend money on unnecessary items is a serious problem that can cause money to be lost in the business. Without establishing routine financial review and audit processes, business owners may not recognize unusual financial fluctuations.
Wasteful spending
Businesses may spend money unnecessarily on activities that do not bring value, advertise ineffectively, or spend money that is not on target. This waste can weaken a company's finances.
Small losses will create dangerous financial gaps
Although small losses may not be considered a matter of concern, if this situation is allowed to persist, it can create dangerous financial losses for businesses. Here are some potential consequences of losing money:
- Profit decline: Loss of money reduces business profits. Every dollar lost is a potential loss of profit. If this situation lasts, the overall profit of the business will be significantly reduced.
- Debt status: Loss of money can cause a business to borrow more or create unnecessary debt, leading to stress and putting financial pressure on the business.
- Loss of development opportunities: Lost money can be used to invest in business growth and expansion. When money is wasted or lost, businesses can be limited in their ability to grow and compete in the market.
- Delay in investment and development: Loss of money can delay investment in research and development, product or service improvement, and market expansion. This can cause businesses to lose competitive opportunities and the market can change color quickly.
- Risk of bankruptcy: If money loss cannot be controlled, businesses may face the risk of bankruptcy. When there is no longer enough money to pay debts or maintain business operations, the business may have to stop operating.
Tìm ngay giải pháp tại Webinar: “Chủ doanh nghiệp ơi – Đừng để tiền rơi”
To help business owners solve this problem, Bizzi Vietnam organizes the program Webinar “Chủ doanh nghiệp ơi – Đừng để tiền rơi”. Chương trình này sẽ giúp chủ doanh nghiệp có cái nhìn toàn cảnh về bức tranh tài chính hiện tại của công ty và cách để lấp đầy những “lỗ hổng tài chính” này.
Program details:
- Introduction: Challenges for business owners in financial management
- Directions for financial control for business owners
- Applying technology to control corporate finances
- Discussion and Q&A
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | September 30, 2023
Form: Online at Quickcom
Program speakers:
- Anh Nguyễn Văn Sử (Steven Nguyen) – Giám đốc dịch vụ Tài chính và Thuế, kiểm toán viên và chuyên viên thuế, cử nhân Đại học Kinh tế TP. HCM, với 14 năm kinh nghiệm trong ngành.
- Anh Trần Minh Khánh – Chuyên viên Tài chính, Kế toán và Thuế, với 12 năm kinh nghiệm trong ngành. Anh cũng là giảng viên thỉnh giảng các môn học về Kế toán, Thuế, Tài chính tại một số trường đại học, cao đẳng tại TP. HCM.
In addition, business owners also have the opportunity to receive Special gift package worth more than 100 million VND from Bizzi and partners when participating in the program:
- 01 Bizzi Expense Pro solution package
- Get an additional 50% for usage time when purchasing Haravan service package
- Tặng miễn phí 3 tháng sử dụng Harasocial – Giải pháp quản lý bán hàng hiệu quả trên Facebook, Instagram, Zalo và Livestream
- 01 Oracle NetSuite ERP/CRM implementation consulting service voucher*
- 03 Vouchers with a discount of 50% on 1-year Simplamo software usage fee
- 01 Voucher with a discount of 30% when participating in financial Bootcamp courses organized by Bizzi
Tình trạng thất thoát tiền bạc trong doanh nghiệp có thể gây ra những hậu quả tiềm ẩn nghiêm trọng cho tài chính của họ. Chủ doanh nghiệp cần nhận thức đầy đủ về nguy cơ này và thực hiện các biện pháp để giải quyết tình trạng này một cách dứt điểm. Chỉ khi có sự quản lý tài chính hiệu quả và kiểm soát tỉ mỉ, doanh nghiệp mới có thể đảm bảo rằng tiền bạc không “rơi ra khỏi lỗ” một cách vô tội vạ.
Webinar “Chủ doanh nghiệp ơi – Đừng để tiền rơi” là cơ hội tuyệt vời để các chủ doanh nghiệp tìm hiểu cách kiểm soát tài chính một cách hiệu quả và ngăn chặn sự thất thoát tiền bạc không cần thiết.
The webinar will limit the number of participants, so quickly register now!