As the first company to provide invoice processing automation solutions using artificial intelligence and robotic process automation (RPA) in Vietnam market, Bizzi is increasingly occupying a strong position and strongly develop in the digital transformation technology market.
Bizzi was named at the Singapore Digital Transformation Awards
The DX Award 2021, now in its second year, honors innovation and digital transformation initiatives in Singapore and across Southeast Asia, including in the areas of: Cybersecurity; Financial services; High-tech production; Health care; Insurance; Logistics; B2C; and Business Excellence.
A total of 45 entries were received and only 22 startups were introduced at the presentation night held online. Bizzi is the only Vietnamese tech startup representative to win the Digital Transformation Award in Singapore at the end of 2021.
Chia sẻ cảm nghĩ về giải thưởng lần này, ông Vũ Trọng Nghĩa – Đồng sáng lập & CEO của Bizzi cho biết: “Chúng tôi rất vui khi Bizzi, một công ty khởi nghiệp trẻ của Việt Nam, đang bắt đầu được khu vực công nhận. Bizzi được thành lập để giải quyết nỗi đau trong ngành kế toán và tài chính – việc xử lý công việc một cách thủ công không chỉ tốn thời gian mà còn dễ xảy ra sai sót. Công nghệ tự động hóa quy trình bằng robot và máy học của chúng tôi giúp giảm 80% thời gian xử lý hóa đơn và 50% chi phí xử lý, đồng thời tăng tính minh bạch và tuân thủ thuế”.
Previously, in October 2021, Bizzi successfully raised a $ 3 million Pre-Series A funding round led by Japan's leading FinTech/SaaS company Money Forward, with the participation of an investment fund. domestic venture capitalist Do Ventures and previous round investor Qualgro from Singapore and received the Top 10 digital startup award from the Vietnam Software and IT Services Association (VINASA).
Bizzi – Trợ lý đắc lực đồng hành cùng doanh nghiệp trên hành trình chuyển đổi số
Keeping up with technology trends in the world, applying artificial intelligence AI and automating work processes with RPA robots, Bizzi has become the invoice processing solution trusted and chosen by more than 1000+ businesses. outstanding advantages:
– Xác thực và kiểm tra Hóa đơn tự động: The input e-invoice is automatically checked and verified by more than 20 criteria to ensure its validity (e.g. electronic signature, comparison with the tax authority's database, etc.).
– Tự động trích xuất dữ liệu: The application automatically processes electronic invoices, supports data extraction (excel, csv, ..) in accordance with the accounting and ERP software you are using.
– Lưu trữ và quản lý thông minh: Search and manage invoices easily. 10 years storage. No more worries about losing, not finding the bill. Free for start-ups.
– Tăng hiệu suất: Each e-invoice is processed, extracting data in less than 30 seconds. You can spend your precious time on other valuable things.
– Giảm sai sót, thất lạc hóa đơn: No more worrying about incorrect input, missing entries, or lost invoices. Bizzi is a diligent and meticulous assistant that scientifically manages all paper and electronic invoices for you in one place.
Bizzi promises to become a "tiger" in the technology market in 2022
Following the successful stepping stone in 2021, Bizzi plans to launch a new product in 2022.
– Quản lý chi phí Expense: Digitize the entire process of creating a payment request and approving expenses from departments that are managed transparently and efficiently.
– Quản lý nhà cung cấp: Confirm invoice information, PO and communicate with your suppliers easily.
– Tăng tốc phê duyệt: Relevant departments can chat (chat) about invoices and payments easily and securely right on the Bizzi platform.
CEO Bizzi said that in the next 2 years, startup Bizzi will focus 100% on the domestic market to become the number 1 technology company providing automatic input invoice processing software in Vietnam in 2022 before expanding to Vietnam. other Southeast Asian countries.
Free automatic processing package of 500 invoices with Bizzi
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