
Manage expenses effectively with Bizzi Expense . app

Manage Expenses Effectively with the Bizzi Expense Photo App1
Current status of cost management in businesses

The reality of cost management is always an issue that every business, large or small, is concerned about and placed on top priority. However, not all businesses do this well. So does the business have effective cost management?

Or what kind of solution does a business need to manage costs in the most optimal way? Maybe the Bizzi Expense application can help businesses solve this problem! 

Let's follow Bizzi's following article!

1. Current status of cost management in businesses 

Cost management is always an issue that every business, large or small, is concerned about and placed on top priority. However, not all businesses do this well. 

Specifically, startup businesses have limited human resources and do not have a specialized accounting department. Controlling expenses is extremely important but often receives little attention. Expenditure bills are not collected for systematic processing. 

For large enterprises, although they have potential in terms of resources and human resources, The boss lives far away from the employee Unable to strictly control revenue and expenditure activities, process and approve invoices.

Communicate with the person making the request for costs It's easy to get lost or missing invoices, and waste time making payment requests or there will be cases bên bán “quên” gửi hóa đơn lAt this point, the person making the proposal cannot synthesize it as evidence. 

For accounting It takes time to check invoices and enter data manually. Cases that give accountants headaches include: Invalid invoices, wrong supplier information, duplicate invoices In particular, managing a business's spending activities is extremely time-consuming when necessary Processed entirely manually.

2. Manage expenses effectively with the Bizzi Expense application

Manage expenses effectively with the Bizzi Expense app

Bizzi – phần mềm xử lý hóa đơn tổng thể và toàn diện hàng đầu Việt Nam chính thức ra mắt ứng dụng Bizzi Expense. Với giải pháp số hóa quy trình quản lý chi phí phù hợp cho tất cả doanh nghiệp thuộc mọi quy mô, Bizzi Expense đáp ứng những nhu cầu về quản lý chi phí hiệu quả cho cả doanh nghiệp.

With just a few simple clicks, with Bizzi Expense all the complex processes of managing, controlling costs and creating a payment offer have become easier thanks to outstanding benefits:

3. Bizzi Expense: Quy trình dễ dàng – cả làng đều nhàn

Bizzi Expenses is an expense management process digitalization solution suitable for businesses of all sizes. With Bizzi Expense, creating, managing expenses, making payment requests and remote approvals is simple and easy with just a few clicks. 

For employees: Bizzi supports the cost creation process and offers quick approval of costs to superiors. With Bizzi checking and storing invoices, you don't need to worry about missing, lost, or incorrect invoice information.

For management level:  Easily approve work reports for employees anytime, anywhere via computer or phone. At the same time, thanks to Bizzi Expense, management levels can also easily control costs in real time with a realtime reporting system, automatically notifying the progress of the approval process.

For accountants: Bizzi Expense is a powerful assistant for accountants that helps simplify and automate the expense approval process, control and manage costs by department, and reduce the risk of invalid invoices. In particular, Bizzi Expense supports centralized, complete invoice management with payment requests to help accountants easily check and manage. 

With outstanding advantages, Bizzi Expense is an effective expense management application to help businesses save 80% time Process invoices and approve expenses anytime, anywhere via mobile.

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