At Official dispatch 4786/TCT-TTKTThe General Department of Taxation has made requests related to preventing and handling the situation of selling invoices on cyberspace. Together Bizzi Find out!
On October 24, 2024, the General Department of Taxation had Official dispatch 4786/TCT-TTKT on preventing and handling the situation of selling invoices on cyberspace.

General Department of Taxation requests to handle the situation of selling invoices on cyberspace
Specifically, the General Department of Taxation has directed tax authorities at all levels to strengthen solutions to prevent, detect and handle violations of the law on invoices; strengthen inspections to detect taxpayers with signs of invoice risks, and combat invoice fraud such as: Telegram 01/CD-TCT April 11, 20203, Official dispatch 2812/TCT-TTKT July 7, 2023, Official dispatch 2698/TCT-TCCB ngày 24/6/2024,…
However, the situation of buying and selling electronic invoices on cyberspace is still happening openly with a complicated trend, although many cases of buying and selling invoices and documents for budget payment have been criminally prosecuted.
Therefore, to further improve the effectiveness of the work of preventing and combating the buying and selling of electronic invoices, especially the advertising and selling of invoices on cyberspace, the General Department of Taxation requests the Tax Departments of provinces and centrally-run cities to drastically implement the following measures:
(1) Promote the synchronous implementation of solutions to prevent the buying and selling of invoices on cyberspace according to the direction of the General Department of Taxation at Official dispatch 2812/TCT-TTKT July 7, 2023
Chủ động thu thập thông tin các đối tượng rao bán hóa đơn trên không gian mạng trên địa bàn; thông tin từ các nguồn báo chí, mạng xã hội; thông tin từ nguồn đơn tố cáo, phản ánh từ các đơn vị, cá nhân trong và ngoài địa bàn quản lý… để tổ chức rà soát, nắm bắt thông tin, chuyển thông tin đến các cơ quan chức năng có liên quan (công an, thông tin truyền thông,…) có biện pháp ngăn chặn việc phát tán, đăng tải các thông tin rao bán hoá đơn điện tử trên không gian mạng và kịp thời điều tra, xử lý các hành vi vi phạm của các đối tượng.
(2) Strictly implement regulations and procedures on invoice management, procedures for applying invoice risk management to regularly assess and screen enterprises with high risks of using illegal invoices, using invoices illegally; inspect and check to promptly detect violations, paying special attention to invoice trading activities related to taxpayers in many provinces and cities to promptly provide information to tax authorities of provinces and cities to take tax handling measures according to regulations.
At the same time, when detecting signs of violations, Tax authorities at all levels proactively coordinate closely with police agencies at the same level to coordinate in providing information and reviewing organizations and individuals who buy and sell invoices in districts, provinces and cities to promptly prevent and handle them in accordance with the provisions of law.
(3) Proactively research and deploy information technology solutions in the operations of collecting, evaluating and analyzing information about invoices on cyberspace; strengthen propaganda and dissemination of tax policies and laws on mass media so that taxpayers understand and grasp sanctions for the act of buying and selling invoices, guide taxpayers to use invoices in accordance with regulations and enhance voluntary compliance and proper implementation of tax and invoice policies and laws.
(4) Regularly update information from competent authorities about organizations and individuals in the area managed by the Tax Department that have been prosecuted and investigated for signs of invoice trading crimes to promptly report to the General Department (through the Tax Department).
See more at Official dispatch 4786/TCT-TTKT October 24, 2024.
According to Law Library