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Double your business cash flow

Streamline and automate cost management and debt collection processes and B2B payments so you have more time for growth business.


Trusted by medium and large companies in many fields

Control income and expenditure, optimize capital flow in one platform

Automatically process input invoices

Bizzi Bot downloads, checks and reconciles invoices in a snap thanks to RPA (Robotic process automation) technology enhanced with the power of AI.

Automatically check invoices - PO

Bizzi's smart algorithm compares details of each line of invoices and POs (purchase orders) in real time, helping to quickly detect discrepancies.

Management of per diem expenses

Digitize the entire process of creating payment requests and approving expenses from departments. Business expenses, reception, shopping, etc. are managed transparently and effectively.

Budget management

Set up budgets and financial regulations for departments and projects. Control actual expenditures, estimated expenditures and deviations from the budget in real time.

Automatically process orders

Accelerate sales thanks to the feature of automatically processing orders from customers.

Electronic bill

Automatically issue invoices, fully meeting tax regulations.

Automatic debt reminder

Create processes and automate debt reminder tasks according to scenarios for each customer group via email, text message,...

Debt control

Monitor and control debt and important indicators (days of debt - DSO, debt age report,...) to help manage debt strictly.

Bizzi Business Credit Card

Spend now, pay later, no interest up to 45 days. Integrate with expense management applications to help control and monitor spending effectively.

Paying through bank

Check transactions with bank statements. Approve and pay suppliers directly with your bank.

Supply chain finance

Connect capital sources to pay orders or invoices to suppliers with quick processes and procedures and competitive interest rates.

Working capital financing

Meet the capital needs of businesses without collateral with many diverse forms of financing.

The benefits are clear

Increase productivity

Automation technology helps reduce 50% manual time.

Reduce risk

Automatically check and warn early on deviations and violations.

Increased control

Real-time and detailed data helps manage more closely.

Optimize cash flow

Simple revenue and expenditure processes and easy access to loans help to quickly circulate business cash flow.

"Three layers of defense" cost management model ©

Strict and modern cost management methods and processes are researched and synthesized by Bizzi from best practices of leading businesses. 


Find out more 

three-layer cost management model
cost management 3 layer studio 1 setup

Layer 1 - Setup

Establish policies, internal financial regulations and budget plans.

cost management three layers room 2 control

Layer 2 - Control

Establish specific regulations to clarify the separation of powers in approval/adjustment.

cost management 3rd grade room 3rd grade monitoring

Layer 3 - Supervision

Monitor periodically and in real time, multi-dimensional analysis of indicators and cost items compared to budget.

Solution set for
Modern finance department

Please contact Bizzi immediately to learn about the ability to digitize and automate revenue and expenditure operations for your business.

Success Story

nkid uses bizzi cost management solution
“We are very excited to officially go-live the automation solution for the accounting and finance department. This solution will help us improve operational efficiency, save costs and minimize risks. We believe Bizzi and Microsoft Dynamics 365 will provide good support and improve N KID's operational performance."
gs25 uses bizzi cost management solution
“GS25 decided to put Bizzi into use, since then every member of the accounting team has been able to “take off the burden” and optimize performance, now only one employee is needed to solve the problem. The amount of work of 3-4 people before. GS25 quickly automated 90% the invoice management process, saving 80% time processing costs and increasing accuracy up to 99.9%.”
genshai uses bizzi cost management solution
“Bizzi Expense helps the accounting department control business expenses, expenses that were previously tracked but can now be controlled on phones and computers.”