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    What is Bizzi Expense?

    Lean Expense Management Application for Business

    Strictly detailed expense recording

    • Expense management application on multiple platforms
    • Receive, automatically check the validity of invoices via email
    • Generate and submit expense reports for incurred expenses
    • Create and approve spending and business requests

    Digitizing storage

    • Support to store invoice and voucher data on the system
    • Export statements & spending requests

    Management and decentralization

    • Keep track of cost overview reports
    • Declare categories of expenditures by profession
    • Create a policy that regulates spending categories
    • Set up and manage organizational chart by department, project, etc.
    • Configure the browsing flow flexibly, automatically according to many criteria
    • Compare and control the budget with each incurred expense

    Open integration

    • Open API
    • Single Sign-on

    What is Bizzi Expense?

    All expenses are under your control


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